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  • 14年
  • 所属行业:机床 机械设备 铸造机械设备
  • 发货地址:河北保定


    产品单价:10.00 元/件 起

  • 企业商铺
  • 留言咨询
  • 联系方式
  • 在线询价
  • 所在区域:河北保定
  • 经营性质:国营企业
  • 企业类型:生产加工
  • 注册地:河北省保定市
  • 主营产品:不锈钢、精密铸造、机械、机电、铸造、铸件、配件、加工、五金
  • 注册资金:人民币 1000 - 5000 万元
  • 企业未认证
  • 个人实名未认证
产品规格: 铸造,铸造厂,铸造网,铸造公司,铸造企业,铸造产业,铸造单位,铸造采购,铸造设备,铸造机械,铸造配件,铸造人才,铸造查询,精密铸造,铸造求购,铸造工艺,铸造件 产品数量: 200.00 件
包装说明: 铸造,铸造厂,铸造网,铸造公司,铸造企业,铸造产业,铸造单位,铸造采购,铸造设备,铸造机械,铸造配件,铸造人才,铸造查询,精密铸造,铸造求购,铸造工艺,铸造件 价格说明: 不限
查看人数: 133 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-24378046.html


Hello, I am Chinese sailing group Baoding precision casting products limited company, welcome you contact me pieces of precision casting in China production business, at the same time, I welcome you to visit the company guidance, thank you for your cooperation! If disturbed, please forgive!Q
Our company is silica sol investment casting production of precision casting professional manufacturers,20 years to the exports of developed countries have accumulated rich experience.
Our company has passed ISO9001international quality system certification, the European PED-CE certification, Germany AD-2000 certification and Japanese waterways Association certification system. "Excellent quality, fast delivery, competitive prices, improve customer service" to establish a good reputation.
China casting industry as one of the major manufacturers, my company has a mature product design R & D team, mature technology, all kinds of detection equipment, such as: universal tensile testing machine, Italy spectrometer, Rockwell hardness, impact test temperature trough, impact testing machine, magnetic flaw detector, can provide customers with more quality technical service and product quality assurance.
At present my company's products have been in the aviation, aerospace, shipbuilding, petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive, household, hardware, construction machinery and other industries has been widely used, including aerospace products sophisticated level has reached the international advanced level. The main products are sold to the United States, Japan and Europe and other countries and regions.
You need is that we want to make! We produce not only products, but you the satisfaction of the needs of!
If you want to find in China high quality casting products, please contact us immediately! Welcome you to visit our company.
Baoding Fengfan Precision Casting Products Company Limited
Enterprise website: 
Address: Hebei province Baoding City windsurfing Road No. 456( Tomie311 Street )
Contact person: Pebble Liu+86-

欢迎来到保定风帆精密铸造制品有限公司网站,我公司办公地址位于有3000多年历史,文化底蕴深厚,清为直隶总督署—保定市。 具体地址是河北保定新市区富江路311号,联系人是刘亚鹏。
主要经营各种材质硅溶胶精密铸造件,可按图纸加工定做,长期合作 风帆集团保定精密铸造制品有限公司,20多年来**生产各种材质的精密铸造件,质量稳定、技术成熟、交货速度快。硅溶胶熔模精铸*——风帆精铸20年!。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。



  • 刘亚鹏(经理)







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