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Select the shapes, click the Align button Align Button, and choose an alignment style. The shapes will be aligned to the top or leftmost shape.Find, ReplaceClick the Find button Find Button.Custom ShapesYou can draw your own shapes by combining any of the shapes and lines in RFFlow. Select these objects, right-click on one of them, and choose Add To Stencil. Another way to draw custom shapes is to use RFShape, a program that comes with RFFlow. Click Tools, Run RFShape.
Whether you are flowcharting software programs or business processes, using only these structures will make it easier to find and correct errors in your charts. Each structure has a simple flow of control with one input and one output. These structures can then be nested within each other. Any chart can be drawn using only these structures. You do not have to use GOTO or draw spaghetti diagrams because you are drawing a flowchart. You can draw structured flowcharts.
Click on a line in a stencil. In your chart, press the left mouse button down where you want the line to start and drag the mouse to draw the line. You can continue to draw lines until you click on another shape or click on the button Click here when you are finished drawing lines. Another way to draw a line is to drag a line from a stencil into your chart. To have RFFlow automatically draw a line between two shapes, click the Auto Connect button Auto Connect Button and then click on two shapes in your chart.