Added a REMO3D__CONFIRMATION environment variable for avoiding command-line confirmations.
Remo 3D支持的功能列表
Remo 3D功能
还有一份Remo 3D,其中包含了对该产品的更全面和技术描述。
与许多主要用于展示的3D建模产品不同,Remo 3D为用户提供了对模型场景图的完全控制,并允许修改诸如自由度节点、细节节点、开关节点等功能。此外,在Remo 3D中创建模型的过程允许将焦点集中在单个的多边形和顶点上。总而言之,这使得Remo 3D特别适合于创建和修改用于实时可视化的3D模型。
Move geometry
Rotate geometry
Scale geometry
Apply transformation matrix
Interactively specify move/rotate/scale transformation matrix
Quickly plant multiple copies of geometry on top of other geometry
Eliminate transformation matrices
Create node
Create polygon
Create external reference
Create disk
Fixed issue with non-existing texture mapping palette in imported models.
Fixed issue with large coordinates when storing and recalling view.