Earlier, we retrieved handles to 3 channels: ph_a, ph_b and ph_c. Each channel represents a series of values over a domain, time in this case. We can pull that data (the series of values) from Enerplot into Python by access the channels’ .data members. For instance, the first few samples from each of those channels:
There is no support for installing additional Python modules, such as numpy, to the embedded Python interpreter. If additional Python modules are desired, external scripting is required.
Adding corresponding sample values together will produce the zero sequence voltage. Multiplying the resulting sum by 1000 will convert the result to volts. This can be done for every point in the time domain with one Python statement, using the zip() function and list comprehension:
Features and benefits
Enerplot supports the import of data in many formats, including: PSCAD/EMTDC, PSS/E, RSCAD, COMTRADE, Comma Separated Values and Text Files