v_zero = [ (va+vb+vc)*1000 for va,vb,vc in zip(ph_a.data, ph_b.data, ph_c.data) ]
Once the desired signal has been created, it must be passed back to Enerplot for display in graphs. Since data can only be displayed from a channel in a datafile, we must create a new channel in the datafile for the newly created signal before it can be added to a graph. Add the following to the :
Earlier, we retrieved handles to 3 channels: ph_a, ph_b and ph_c. Each channel represents a series of values over a domain, time in this case. We can pull that data (the series of values) from Enerplot into Python by access the channels’ .data members. For instance, the first few samples from each of those channels:
The length of the trace corresponds to the number of samples in the data file’s domain channel.
Using Python
Although any text editor which writes plain text files may be used to write python scripts, using an integrated development environment (IDE) will make developing the scripts easier and assist in debugging the scripts. Python 3.x comes bundled with such a tool, which is called IDLE.