产品规格: | 1-400 | 产品数量: | 10000.00 米 |
包装说明: | 编织 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 268 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-21879619.html |
公司编号: | 8560569 | 更新时间: | 2025-03-03 09:32:41 |
江苏春晨电缆有限公司专业生产橡套扁电缆带钢丝加强型YCBG,450/750V 重型橡套扁形软电缆 450/750V heavy duty rubber sheathed flexible flat cable 本产品适用于额定电压450/750V及以下移动电器设备之用。橡套扁电缆带钢丝加强型YCBG This product is suitable for rated voltage 450/750V and below mobile electrical equipment. ? 产品介绍橡套扁电缆带钢丝加强型YCBG Product introduction 一、适用范围 I. scope of application 本产品适用于额定电压450/750V及以下移动电器设备之用。 This product is suitable for rated voltage 450/750V and below mobile electrical equipment. 二、执行标准 Two, the implementation of standards 本产品执行标准GB5013-1997、JB8735-1998、Q/320282BND019-2006。 This product implementation standard GB5013-1997, JB8735-1998, Q/320282BND019-2006. 三、电缆型号 Three, cable type YCB 重型橡套扁电缆 YCB heavy duty rubber flat cable YCWB 户外用重型橡套扁电缆 YCWB outdoor heavy rubber flat cable 四、使用特性 Four, the use of characteristics 1、工频额定电压U0/U为450/750V。 1, rated power frequency voltage U0/U is 450/750V. 2、电缆导体的较高长期允许工作温度为65℃。 2, the maximum allowable working temperature of cable conductor is 65. 3、短路时(较长持续时间不**过5S)电缆导体的较高温度不**过150℃. 3, short circuit (the longest duration of not more than 5S) the maximum temperature of the cable conductor does not exceed 150 degrees Celsius 4、带“W”型电缆具有耐油、阻燃特性。 4, with "W" type cable with oil resistance, flame retardant properties. 5、电缆在户外使用较低温度-35℃。 5, the cable in the outdoor use the lowest temperature -35 C.