发动机缸盖落砂锤,振动锤,清砂锤 铸造落砂机**
KE 641/200 BASIC
.52/62582 / KE 641/200 BASIC
Anwendungen: The KE 641 is equipped with a 200-stroke.
The simple design of the knocking unit facilitates maintenance.
Consistent use of proven materials increases uptime and reduces costs.
Repair costs and expensive downtime are significantly reduced.
It is a basic model. Additional components can be ordered.
.price upon request
Weight 65 kg
Lenght 890 mm
Piston Ø 30 mm
Striking rate 750/min
Air consumption 950 m3/min
Tool holder Schraubkappe
Spigot R 31 x 70
Connection thread G 1/2" i
空气锤\二手空气锤\空气锤\出**气锤\空气锤规格型号及\65公斤空气锤配件及质量\二手设备1000kg空气锤\回收二手空气锤\空气锤地基图\空气锤 750kg\敲击式空气锤\手持式空气\空气锤锻工招\空气锤锻造工\560公斤空气锤重多少\1吨空气\二手空气锤\1顿空气锤\空气锤转让\空气锤大