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Consider the simple circuit in Figure 2-3. A comparator is being used to compare a real constant variable equal to 0.0, with a data signal Ea, which is a measured voltage from a voltmeter. The comparator is adjusted so as to give a high output when Ea becomes greater than 0.0, and a low output otherwise. The comparator dynamics are defined by default in the DSDYN subroutine, whereas the measured voltage signal Ea is defined in DSOUT as an output quantity.
With the above configuration, the comparator output signal will contain a single time step delay. This is due to the fact that the comparator dynamics in DSDYN (i.e. the code that determines its output state) are using a measured voltage Ea, defined in DSOUT. Since the comparator output state is based on the comparator inputs, the output will appear to have been delayed by one time step.
This delay can be removed simply by forcing the comparator dynamics code from DSDYN to DSOUT. This will force the comparator to consider the measured voltage within the same time step, when determining its state.
Change was on the way: Minicomputers and later personal computers came on the scene with new operating systems, which made all the hocus-pocus associated with using large scientific programs on the old mainframes, obsolete. Virtual memory replaced overlays. New graduates, no longer intimidated by the computer, were more than capable of dealing with any programming situation. Today, the technical expert has control over both the computer and its programs and is intimately involved in adapting both hardware and software to meet his/her requirements for investigation and analysis.
EMTDC was developed for this new and more acceptable environment, first specifically for UNIX/Linux, and then on to Microsoft Windows operating systems. Model building of control and electric systems is no longer defined entirely by data entry – with the program hidden, untouchable somewhere in the depths of the computer memory: Now the model is created by user Fortran statements. Time domain model components, such as AC machines, exciters, six-pulse valve groups, etc., are modularized into subroutines for easy assembly by the user. The user is able to build his or her subroutines, if and when models are not available.
With the advent of PSCAD, the graphical user interface for EMTDC, there is for the most part, no longer any need for the user to build his/her own subroutines through coding. Subroutine assembly and insertion into EMTDC is now performed automatically by PSCAD. The responsibility of the user has been reduced to graphically assembling a given network, and in some cases, adding some user-defined code. However, there may still be a need in some instances, such as the conversion of older subroutines, where a good knowledge of the internal structure and methods of EMTDC is important.
● 审查和评估提供关于次同步谐振和控制相互风
● 为建模相关问题和次同步交互控制提供质量保
● 为建模需求和次同步交互控制筛选方法提供一
● 提供技术支持
● 提供培训课程
● 断路器暂态恢复电压(TRV)在电抗器开关的
● 断路器TRV在站的故障,远程故障和短线路故
● 暂态过电压(TOV)的条件和缓解方法
● 支持单相自动重合闸对二次故障电弧的研究,
● 铁磁谐振研究
● 网络频率扫描研究以识别网络共振点
● 通断过电压的研究
● 暂态过电压的研究
When digital programs were first developed for power system analysis, the computers available were the old mainframe type used by the company for their accounts and billing. A team of specialists, whose function was to oversee all transactions involving the system, also serviced the system. The technical user was but a slave to the whims of these specialists, whose power lay in their ability to speak the system language: The interpretation of a mysterious jumble of words known only as 'JCL' was a jealously guarded secret. Consequently, the 'end user' (or more humiliatingly the 'client') was kept in hand and normally suffered through the computer programs so condescendingly provided.
These computer programs were supposedly structured to anticipate, as the programmers hoped, the every need of the technical user. Model construction and variation was accomplished by data entry. Unfortunately, it was impossible to anticipate all needs. Developments in power system technologies out-sped advancements in the computer programs. Because of these limitations in program flexibility, the programs always lagged in representation of the emerging power system. The creative potential of the technical specialist could not be fully realized with such program modeling restrictions.
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