HYPAR是标准二维和三维HYDRUS计算模块的并行版本。(h2d_calc.exe and h3d_calc.exe)
Slope Stability
Slope Classic附加模块的目的主要用于堤防的稳定性检查,水坝,削减地球和固定挡板结构。水的影响建模使用孔隙压力的分布,这是进口自动从水蛇座时间的结果。每个时间步的水分布可以分别进行分析。
SLOPE Cube(Slope Stress and Stability)附件模块是由科罗拉多矿业大学的Ning Lu博士合作开发的。它使用一个统一的有效应力方法饱和和不饱和的条件。这个模块的目的是用来预测infiltration-induced滑坡启动和开展variably-saturated土壤条件下的边坡稳定性分析。
一个基于微软Windows图形用户界面(GUI)管理的运行HYDRUS的输出需求,以及网格设计和编辑、参数配置、问题执行和结果可视化。HYDRUS还包括一组控件,允许用户创建一个流和运移模型,并对运行中的图形进行分析。使用空间和横截面查看和线图来检查输入和输出。HYDRUS图形用户界面的主程序单元定义了系统整体的计算环境。这个主模块控制程序的执行并确定哪些其他可选的工具是必要的。该模块还包含一个项目管理器和两个预处理和后处理单元。预处理单元包括所有必要的参数规格,如成功运行HYDRUS FORTRAN语言代码、相对简单的矩形和六面体传输域的网格生成器、用于非结构化有限元网格的复杂二维和三维域的网格生成器、一个小目录的土壤水力属性和从土壤结构数据的Rosetta Lite程序生成土壤水力属性。
There are hundreds of resolved problems in the HYDRUS public library of projects (1D, 2D, and 3D), from which HYDRUS users can learn how to use HYDRUS in their particular applications.
The HYDRUS software is easy to use and learn as there are the many free 1D and 2D, and 3D tutorials. Both HYDRUS developers are organizing short courses organized around the world. Also see the recently released HYDRUS textbook and HYDRUS Tutorial eBook.
There are thousands of registered users in HYDRUS discussion forums allowing them to share their experience and learn from others.
The HYDRUS software has been linked to other widely used programs in their respective fields of applications (e.g., MODFLOW, PHREEQC, Wetland Module, DSSAT, and Rosetta).
You can download a Demo Version of the entire HYDRUS software from our web site and obtain a license (authorization codes) directly from us, or from other distributors. You can also freely download the Technical Manual, which contains detailed mathematical descriptions of problems that can be addressed with HYDRUS, numerical solutions of the governing equations, descriptions of the computational modules, and many example applications for verification purposes. The User Manual is also free to download, and provides descriptions of the main components of the graphical user interface, as well as many software related details (such as the main dialog windows, commands, and menus). The demo version is installed with selected examples that are described in the Technical manual. Additional examples (for Version 1 and Versions 2 and 3) can be downloaded as well and copied into HYDRUS workspaces as is described in the User Manual. Note that we will continue to further expand the library of these downloadable projects.
Examples involving subsurface drip irrigation (using 2D and axisymmetrical 2D domains). Download now (11 MB)
Drip3D Drip irrigation simulated using the three-dimensional transport domain. Download now (11 MB)
Drip3Da Three-dimensional drip irrigation examples from Raij et al., 2018. Download now (2 MB)
Drain Two examples demonstrating the use of the (simplified) drain boundary condition and the effects of the immobile water content on accelerated solute movement. Download brief description now
一个新的模块模拟地下水流人工湿地的生化转化和降解过程,此模块是为HYDRUS 的二维应用开发的(2005年的Langergraber和Simunek,2009年的Langergraber et al)。 这个模块认为大量的物理、化学和生物过程活跃在湿地,包括生物化学降解和转化过程三组分的有机物质(易降解、慢慢可生物降解和惰性),四氮的化合物(铵、亚硝酸盐、硝酸盐、和双氮)、无机磷、异养和自养微生物,溶氧和/或硫,他们同时活跃而且相互影响。