产品数量:9999.00 套
The GAMS system is designed so that models can be solved on different types of computers with no change. A model
developed on a small personal computer can later be solved on a large mainframe. One person can develop a model that is
later used by others, who may be physically distant from the original developer. In contrast to previous approaches, only one
document need be moved — the GAMS statement of the model. It contains all the data and logical specifications needed to
solve the model.
1. A GAMS model is a collection of statements in the GAMS Language. The only rule governing the ordering of
statements is that an entity of the model cannot be referenced before it is declared to exist.
2. GAMS statements may be laid out typographically in almost any style that is appealing to the user. Multiple lines per
statement, embedded blank lines, and multiple statements per line are allowed. You will get a good idea of what is
allowed from the examples in this tutorial, but precise rules of the road are given in the next Chapter.
3. When you are a beginning GAMS user, you should terminate every statement with a semicolon, as in our examples.
The GAMS compiler does not distinguish between upper-and lowercase letters, so you are free to use either.
4. Documentation is crucial to the usefulness of mathematical models. It is more useful (and most likely to be accurate)
if it is embedded within the model itself rather than written up separately. There are at least two ways to insert
documentation within a GAMS model. First, any line that starts with an asterisk in column 1 is disregarded as a
comment line by the GAMS compiler. Second, perhaps more important, documentary text can be inserted within
specific GAMS statements. All the lowercase words in the transportation model are examples of the second form of
5. As you can see from the list of input components above, the creation of GAMS entities involves two steps: a declaration
and an assignment or definition. Declaration means declaring the existence of something and giving it a name.
Assignment or definition means giving something a specific value or form. In the case of equations, you must make the
declaration and definition in separate GAMS statements. For all other GAMS entities, however, you have the option of
making declarations and assignments in the same statement or separately.
6. The names
If you submit a file containing the statements above as input to the GAMS program, the transportation model will be
formulated and solved. Details vary on how to invoke GAMS on different of computers, but the simplest ('no frills') way to
call GAMS is to enter the word GAMS followed by the input file's name. You will see a number of terse lines describing the
progress GAMS is making, including the name of the file onto which the output is being written. When GAMS has finished,
examine this file, and if all has gone well the optimal shipments will be displayed at the bottom as follows.
面向对象的GAMA API允许GAMS无缝整合到为交互提供适当类别的应用中。这三个面向对象GAMS API是.NET, Java
和Python与.NET framework 4 (Visual Studio 2010)、Java SE 5或更高版本以及Python 3.4, 2.7和2.6。
除了面向对象的GAMA API,还有级别(或级别) 的GAMS API,它们的使用要求有高深知识的GAMS组件库。
除了API, GAMS还提供智能链接到应用程序,如MS Excel, MatLab或R。用户可以在这个环境中继续工作,通过一个
Independence of Model and User Interface
The GAMS object-oriented APIs allow the seamless integration of GAMS into an application by providing appropriate classes for the interaction with GAMS. The three versions of the object-oriented GAMS API: .NET, Java, and Python work with .NET framework 4 (Visual Studio 2010), Java SE 5 and up, as well as Python 3.4, 2.7, and 2.6 accordingly.
In addition to the object-oriented GAMS APIs, there are expert-level (or low-level) GAMS APIs whose usage requires advanced knowledge of GAMS component libraries. See our documentation for further information on the APIs.
In addition to the APIs, GAMS offers smart links to applications like MS Excel, MatLab, or R. Through these, the user can keep working in his productive tool environment, while the application accesses all optimization capabilites of GAMS through an API. This allows for example the visualization and analyses of model data and results in the application.