The power of algebraic modeling languages like GAMS is most apparent in the creation of the equations and inequalities that
comprise the model under construction. This is because whenever a group of equations or inequalities has the same algebraic
structure, all the members of the group are created simultaneously, not individually.
Objective Function
This is a reminder that GAMS has no explicit entity called the objective function. To specify the function to be optimized,
you must create a variable, which is free (unconstrained in sign) and scalar-valued (has no domain) and which appears in an
equation definition that equates it to the objective function.
– Stochastic Programming (SP) with EMP - the stochastic programming (SP) extension of GAMS Extended
Mathematical Programming (EMP).
– Mathematical Programming System for General Equilibrium analysis (MPSGE) - A mathematical programming
system for general equilibrium analysis which operates as a subsystem within GAMS.
* MPSGE Models in GAMS
* Demand Theory and General Equilibrium: An Intermediate Level Introduction to MPSGE
* Constant Elasticity of Substitution Functions: Some Hints and Useful Formulae
* A Library of Small Examples for Self-Study
* Comparing the Performance of Flexible Functional Forms
* General Equilibrium with Public Goods
* Kevin O'Rourke: CGE and Economic History
* Linking Implan Social Accounts to MPSGE
* A partial list of publications based on MPSGE
* The MPSGE guide is also available as PDF
Data Entry by Direct Assignment
The direct assignment method of data entry differs from the list and table methods in that it divides the tasks of parameter
declaration and parameter assignment between separate statements. The transportation model contains the following example
of this method.
Parameter c(i,j) transport cost in thousands of dollars per case ;
c(i,j) = f * d(i,j) / 1000 ;