User Interface
Portability concerns also have implications for the user interface. The basic GAMS system is file-oriented, and no special
editor or graphical input and output routines exist. Rather than burden the user with having to learn yet another set of editing
commands, GAMS offers an open architecture in which each user can use his word processor or editor of choice. This basic
user interface facilitates the integration of GAMS with a variety of existing and future user environments.
GAMS 使用范例说明
如前所述,GAMS 本身有非常完整的英文版使用者手册,GAMS 的计算机软件中也附带了许多学习范例的档案。这里所作的 GAMS 使用范例说明,目的绝非在取代原版的使用者手册,而是要配合本课程说明的形式,重新编写使用范例输入文件,使读者能很快的进入情况,了解其使用程序。
GAMS 的操作大抵可分为三个步骤:建立 GAMS 输入文件,执行 GAMS 程序,检视 GAMS 输出档内容。
Sets are the basic building blocks of a GAMS model, corresponding exactly to the indices in the algebraic representations of
models. The Transportation example above contains one Set statement:
Here are some points to remember.
• The power to create multiple equations with a single GAMS statement is controlled by the domain. For example, the
definition for the demand constraint will result in the creation of one constraint for each element of the domain j, as
shown in the following excerpt from the GAMS output.
DEMAND(new-york)..X(seattle,new-york) + X(san-diego,new-york)=G=325 ;
DEMAND(chicago).. X(seattle,chicago) + X(san-diego,chicago) =G=300 ;
DEMAND(topeka).. X(seattle,topeka) + X(san-diego,topeka) =G=275 ;
• The key idea here is that the definition of the demand constraints is exactly the same whether we are solving the
toy-sized example above or a 20,000-node real-world problem. In either case, the user enters one generic equation
algebraically, and GAMS creates the specific equations that are appropriate for the model instance at hand. (Using
some other optimization packages, something like the extract above would be part of the input, not the output.)
• In many real-world problems, some of the members of an equation domain need to be omitted or differentiated from the
pattern of the others because of an exception of some kind. GAMS can readily accommodate this loss of structure using
a powerful feature known as the dollar or 'such-that' operator, which is not illustrated here. The domain restriction
feature can be absolutely essential for keeping the size of a real-world model within the range of solvability.