产品数量:9999.00 套
Sets are the basic building blocks of a GAMS model, corresponding exactly to the indices in the algebraic representations of
models. The Transportation example above contains one Set statement:
The GAMS model representation is in a form that can be easily read by people and by computers. This means that the GAMS
program itself is the documentation of the model, and that the separate description required in the past (which was a burden to
maintain, and which was seldom up-to-date) is no longer needed. Moreover, the design of GAMS incorporates the following
features that specifically address the user's documentation needs:
• A GAMS model representation is concise, and makes full use of the elegance of the mathematical representation.
• All data transformations are specified concisely and algebraically. This means that all data can be entered in their
most elemental form and that all transformations made in constructing the model and in reporting are available for
• Explanatory text can be made part of the definition of all symbols and is reproduced whenever associated values are
• All information needed to understand the model is in one document.
Of course some discipline is needed to take full advantage of these design features, but the aim is to make models more
accessible, more understandable, more verifiable, and hence more credible.
The relational operators have the following meanings:
=l= less than or equal to
=g= greater than or equal to
=e= equal to
7 Objective Function 17
• It is important to understand the difference between the symbols '=' and '=e='. The '=' symbol is used only in direct
assignments, and the '=e=' symbol is used only in equation definitions. These two contexts are very different. A direct
assignment gives a desired value to a parameter before the solver is called. An equation definition also describes a
desired relationship, but it cannot be satisfied until after the solver is called. It follows that equation definitions must
contain variables and direct assignments must not.
• Variables can appear on the left or right-hand side of an equation or both. The same variable can appear in an equation
more than once. The GAMS processor will automatically convert the equation to its equivalent standard form (variables
on the left, no duplicate appearances) before calling the solver.
• An equation definition can appear anywhere in the GAMS input, provided the equation and all variables and parameters
to which it refers are previously declared. (Note that it is permissible for a parameter appearing in the equation to be
assigned or reassigned a value after the definition. This is useful when doing multiple model runs with one GAMS
input.) The equations need not be defined in the same order in which they are declared.
你可以编写立的模型数据,包括各种不同来源的数据,从ASCII到Excel或者Access 以及其他各种来源。比如使用GDX(GAMS数据交换)文件格式。GDX文件可以保存一个或多个GAMS符号的值,比如集、参数变量和方程。GDX文件可以为GAMS模型准备数据、展示GAMS模型的结果、使用不同的参数为这同一个模型保存结果等。GDX文件不能保存一个模型的公式或者执行语句。GDX文件二进制文件,可在不同平台进行移植。
GAMS可以在Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, SOLARIS, Sparc Solaris和 IBM Power AIX上运行。
面向对象的GAMA API允许GAMS无缝整合到为交互提供适当类别的应用中。这三个面向对象GAMS API是.NET, Java和Python与.NET framework 4 (Visual Studio 2010)、Java SE 5或更高版本以及Python 3.4, 2.7和2.6。
除了面向对象的GAMA API,还有级别(或级别) 的GAMS API,它们的使用要求有高深知识的GAMS组件库。
除了API, GAMS还提供智能链接到应用程序,如MS Excel, MatLab或R。用户可以在这个环境中继续工作,通过一个API就可以访问GAMS所有的优化功能。这就允许应用中的模型数据和结果可以可视化和分析了。