产品数量:9999.00 套
MATLAB® lets you develop algorithms much faster than in traditional languages such as C, C++, or Fortran. You can validate concepts, explore design alternatives, and distribute your algorithm in the form that best suits your application. MATLAB provides the tools you need to transform your ideas into algorithms, including:
Thousands of core mathematical, engineering, and scientific functions
Application-specific algorithms in domains such as signal and image processing, control design, computational finance, and computational biology
Development tools for editing, debugging, and optimizing algorithms
These capabilities, combined with MATLAB programs created by the worldwide user community, let you explore approaches that otherwise would be too time-consuming to consider.
Your completed algorithms can be converted into self-contained applications and software components for desktop and Web deployment. Alternatively, you can incorporate the algorithm in a system simulation or an embedded system.
Large-scale simulations and data processing tasks that support engineering and scientific activities such as mathematical modeling, algorithm development, and testing can take an unreasonably long time to complete or require a lot of computer memory.
You can speed up these tasks by taking advantage of high-performance computing resources, such as multicore computers, GPUs, computer clusters, and grid and cloud computing services.
MathWorks parallel computing products let you use these resources from MATLAB® and Simulink® without making major changes to your computing environment and workflows. Using parallel computing products, you can:
Reduce your programming effort
Run an application across a range of high-performance computing resources
Program and execute parallel code interactively or in batch mode
自主机器人的路径规划和导航 使用 MATLAB 和 Simulink 简化机器人路径规划和导航的复杂任务。此演示介绍如何仿真自主机器人,只使用三个组件:路径、汽车模型和路径跟踪算法。
设计和分析三维刚体机械机构(如汽车平台和机械臂)和执行机构(如机电或流体系统)。通过直接向 Simulink 中导入 URDF 文件或利用 SolidWorks 和 Onshape 等 CAD 软件,您可以直接使用现有 CAD 文件。添加摩擦等约束条件,使用电气、液压或气动以及其他组件进行多域系统建模 (2:15)。运行后,可将设计模型重用为数字映射。
可通过 ROS 连接到传感器。摄像机、LiDAR 和 IMU 等特定传感器有 ROS 消息,可转换为 MATLAB 数据类型进行分析和可视化。
Stateflow 能够对控制系统中的调度逻辑进行建模、设计和模拟,以安排控制器的运转、控制系统的操作模式并执行故障检测、隔离与恢复 (FDIR)。
控制系统算法经过设计之后,便可以加以优化以便进行实施。您可以使用定点算法设计的定点数据类型属性,为实施做好准备。在闭环桌面仿真过程中验证控制算法之后,通过自动生成 C、结构化文本或 HDL 代码,将它们部署到生产微控制器、PLC 和 FPGA。
可以继续测试和验证控制系统。通过在嵌入式控制器上运行控制算法,以及在连接到控制器上的目标计算机上实时运行对象模型,来执行硬件在环 (HIL) 测试。可以使用形式化验证方法进一步验证和测试控制系统。