产品数量:9999.00 套
Concentration output nodes are not always created in RT3D runs
Conceptual BCs assigned to the model sides not assigned as expected following conceptual to numerical model conversion to a finite difference grid if the grid cells are thin and/or there are steep gradients at the model edge.
Define complex geology and model layers using borehole log data and cross-sections
Interpret GIS data to define hydrogeologic properties and boundaries independent of the grid
Run, analyze, and validate model results with raw data in 2D, 3D, and cross-section views
Easily create multiple conceptualizations; generate numerous grids and model scenarios in parallel all in a single project
Assess uncertainty though comparing heads from multiple model runs in 2D, 3D or chart views
RT3D Advanced and specialized multi-species reactive contaminant transport simulations
MODPATH The standard package for forward and reverse particle tracking
Row/Column views for rotated grids are projected on NS/EW planes rather than on rotated model co-ordinate axes
In some cases, surfaces generated using the model domain polygon did not fully span the model domain due to differences in numerical precision.