产品规格: | 不限 | 产品数量: | 9999.00 千克 |
包装说明: | 不限 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 42 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-188993016.html |
产地: | 德国 | PA6特性: | 玻纤增强、耐油、热稳定性等 |
形式: | 粒子 | RoHS 合规性: | RoHS 合规 |
PA6用途: | 汽车领域的应用、电子电器、日用品、包装行业、工业应用等等 | 加工方式: | 注塑成型 |
东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司销售纯树脂耐高温PA6,加纤耐高温PA6,阻燃耐高温PA6,无卤阻燃耐高温PA6,抗紫外线PA6,加纤抗紫外线PA6,自熄阻燃耐高温PA6,食品级PA6,质料级PA6;供应:基础创新塑料/PA6、美国杜邦/PA6、日本三菱工程/PA6、法国罗地亚/PA6、日本东丽/PA6、日本东洋纺织/PA6、日本宇部/PA6、 德国DOMO/ PA6、德国朗盛/PA6、德国巴斯夫/PA6、荷兰/ PA6等、品种齐全,原厂原包,量大从优!
The mold temperature of PA6 processing is 80-90 ℃, and the mold temperature has a significant eff on the crystallinity, which in turn affs the mechanical properties of pstic parts. The crystallinity is very important for structural parts, so it is recoended that the mold temperature be 80-90 ℃. For thin-walled and long process parts, higher mold temperature is also recoended. Increasing mold temperature can improve the strength and stiffness of pstic parts, but reduce the toughness. If the wall thickness is greater than 3 , it is recoended to use a low-temperature die with 20-40 ℃. For gss fiber reinforced materials, the mold temperature should be higher than 80 ℃.
PA6 was first developed by BASF joint venture in Germany in the te 1930s and formally industrialized in the early 1940s. Polyamide macromolecur structure contains a rge number of amide groups, and the end of the macromolecule is amino or carboxyl. It is a kind of semi crystalline polymer with strong pority, hydrogen bond formation and certain reactivity.
PA加工因不成熟的技术会使产品能降低,或是成型后达不到制品要求,因此我司有的技术人员为顾客解决加工技术问题,因PA6的型号能不同,价格也会有所不同,所以网上的价格只是参考价,实际价格还请在线咨询或者来电洽谈!晶宏塑胶定将竭诚为您服wu !