产品规格: | YF-1510T | 产品数量: | 10.00 台 |
包装说明: | 100KG/台 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 136 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-18766213.html |
亿辉光电免费咨询热线:400-884-2003我司**销售二次元,2.5次元,三次元,手动二次元批发,全自动三次元,影测量仪生产厂家,影像仪厂家,测量投影仪,全自动CNC大行程影像测量仪,三坐标,三座标测量机,三座标测量仪,手机配件影像仪,PCB投影仪,连接器二次元,塑胶模具影像仪,液晶屏影像仪,手机按键投影仪,全自动插拔力试验机,光学显微镜,仪器仪表**维修等近百种检测仪器的研发、生产与销售,产品型号齐全,软件全新升级,**技技术及售后维修服务获得了**客户的一致认可,欢迎新老客户致电! 3D影像测量仪 3D Image measuring instrument 仪器用途Usages: 该仪器用于做立体工件上之斜面,圆、糟沟、柱、球、维、盲孔等三维测量,以及和要素之间的距离、角度等几何计算。 The instrument is designed to do three-dimensional piece on the slope, round, bad ditch, columns, ball, dimension, three-dimensional measurements such as blind holes as well as the distance between the elements, angle and other geometrical terms. 仪器特点Features: 该仪器配合以公司自行研发的3D全自动光学测量软件,实现了工件大批量**检测,同时具备SPC数据分析功能以达到一次性完成整个测量。 The instrument is coupled with the company's self-developed 3D automatic optical measurement software to achieve rapid detection of large quantities of work pieces at the same time with SPC data analysis capabilities in order to achieve a one-time complete the whole measurement . 规格参数Specifications: 仪器型号Model YF-1510T YF -2010T YF-2515T YF-3020T YF-4030T 工作台Table 金属台尺寸 The metal table size(mm) 354*228 404*228 450*280 500*330 606*466 玻璃台尺寸 The glass table size (mm) 210*160 260*160 306*196 350*280 450*350 运动行程Travel(mm) 150*100 200*100 250*150 300*200 400*300 仪器重量Weight(kg) 100 110 120 140 240 外形尺寸(长)*(宽)*(高)Dimensions(L*W*H)mm 756*540*860 670*660*950 720*950*1020 测量瞄准系统 (标准配备) Measuring Targeting System(Standard Accessories) 摄影机:**彩色1/2”彩色CCD摄影机 变焦镜头:变焦镜头 Zoom lens magnification: original lens 变焦物镜倍率:0.7-4.5X Zoom lens magnification: 0.7 ~ 4.5X 电视总倍率:30-190X Video Total Magnification: 30 ~ 190X 全鼠标/摇杆操作简单易用 Full mouse / joystick is easy to operate **进口英国Renishaw测头 original British RENISHAW probe Z轴升降:150mm X、Y坐标示值误差≤(3+L/200)μm(L为被测长度单位:mm) Z-axis travel (mm):150mm The indication error of X,Y-axis ≤(3+L/200)um (L be regarded as measuring the length unit :mm) 照明:表面光源与透射光源均用LED,亮度可调 电源:220V(AC),50Hz 30W Lighting: Surface light and transmission light are used LED,brightness adjustable Power:220V(AC),50Hz 30W