产品规格: | 不限 | 产品数量: | 1.00 套 |
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查看人数: | 255 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-14923961.html |
家庭信息箱 Household ONU Access Cabinet 产品尺寸:33×28×11.5CM 家庭信息箱,也叫家庭ONU综合接入箱或光纤入户信息箱安装在住户内,供住户单独使用(墙壁内嵌安装)或宽带改造安装在楼层弱点间供改楼层2-4户使用(壁挂安装)。内部可安装各类家庭级及小端口ONU设备,机箱的抗电压要求符合GB4942.2《低压电器外壳防护等级标准》。 • 配电区含1个2位3孔插座、接线排; • 配有ONU设备安装支架,可安装ONU1台; • 可选择安装数据模块、语音模块、安防监控、CATV、其他增值模块; • 满足入户皮线光缆的**接续或采用传统终结方式; • 光纤插座(选配) • 安装防盗锁 Household ONU Access Cabinet Dimension: 33×28×11.5CM The ONU Access Cabinet can be installed in hone,only for the residents of the household.Its interior can be equipped with various types of ONU and all kinds of information extension module.The chassis'anti-voltage requests conform to GB4942.2standards for protection level of low voltage electric apparatus shell.It can be applied in WiFi in future. Features: plete business integration:Each family only need to install one,it is convenient for developers to design,construct and realize centralized purchasing,which can effectively reduce the operating cost. 2.Wide range of application:It can fully satisfy the demand of ordinary families or villas. 3.Strong expansibility:According to the specific circumstances,each fanmily cab be installed different configuration module.(Data module,speech module,safety monitoring module,etc.) 4.Dood versatility:The cabinet can install ONU products of fiberhome,Huawei,ZTE and other brangs.