产品规格: | 不限 | 产品数量: | 1.00 台 |
包装说明: | 不限 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 146 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-14923870.html |
GPJ-SJ-FTTH-A 壁挂式楼道终端分光箱 产品尺寸:35×33×10CM GPJ-SJ-FTTH-B 壁挂式楼道终端分光箱 产品尺寸:50×48×20CM FTTH壁挂式楼道终端分光箱用于光缆与光通信设备的配线连接,通过配线箱内的适配器,用光纤跳线引出光信号,实现光配线功能。适用于光缆和配线尾纤的保护性连接,也适用于光纤接入网中的光纤终端点。适用于FTTH工程光缆到楼后使用,安装于楼道、地下室、机房和大楼外墙。光缆也可以经分光配线箱开拨盘绕后与入户光缆熔接引出,实现光缆的直通功能,满足传统传输网络工程的需求 主要特点: ●采用**冷轧钢板,静电喷涂室外**粉末 ●门锁采用**户外**锁,箱体挂墙安装 ●工作温度:-30°C~+60°C,储存温度-40°C~+60°C ●具有临时尾纤存储区域 ●支持各种光纤连接头的管理,如SC、LC、ST、MT-RJ等 ●前面操作,安装迅速方便 ●分路器插座板可翻转,蝶形光缆可以实现存储,方便维护及光缆多次维护 ●配置2个标准插片式分光器安装槽位,可安装2台1:4/1:8插片式分光器,或1台1:16插片式分光器 ●在机箱形式及厚度保持一致的情况下,光纤熔接盘较大支持2片,满足施工过程中任意形式的接续 FTTH Splitter distribution box GPJ-SJ-FTTH-A FTTH Splitter distribution box Dimensions: 35×33×10CM GPJ-SJ-FTTH-B FTTH Splitter distribution box Dimensions: 50×48×20CM Characteristics ● Design for connection of FTTH. ● Without the connection optical fiber, the inner space efficiency is improved, the breakdown from the connection optical fiber can be avoided. ●Well set and elegant ●Block-based design development efficiency and flexible ●Can be used for different kind of optical distributors ●With high performance grounding devices ●The socket for the end optical fiber of 6 lines Major modules ●Ambient temperature -10°C - +50°C ●Ambient humidity ≤95%(when the temperature is below 40°C) ●The door can be opened to120° ● Two 12 lines optical wires can be introduced from the top ●Soldering optical fiber quantity 12 lines. ●Space for optical distirbutor 1:4 ×2 1:8 ×2 1:16 ×1 ●Grounding voltage level ≥3000V(DC)/ 10mA/1min ●Insulating resistance between the box and the earthing device ≥2000MΩ/500VDC ●Installation wall mounted type