产品规格: | 不限 | 产品数量: | 不限 |
包装说明: | 不限 | 价格说明: | 面议 |
查看人数: | 187 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-13918358.html |
功能介绍 本机采用真空吸覆贴面技术,配**硅胶板,将木皮牢固地贴覆于门芯板的表面。 General Introduction This machine adopts vacuum filming technology. With a special silicon sheet, it can paste veneer tightly on the cabinet. 设备特性 1、采用*特红外线加温系统,改变传统的工作方式.工效比同类产品提高60%,节电50%。 2、电器控制部分采用数显全自动控制。 3、配用国内**真空泵,稳定性良好,易于维护。 Features 1、 It adopts special infrared heating system, which has changed the traditional working procedure. The proficiency has risen by 60% compared with the product in the same category, and it could save electricity power by 50%. 2、 The electronic part is fully automatic and digitalized control. 3、 This machine uses top 2X series vacuum pump, which is stable and reliable. 技术参数(Technical Specifications) 外形尺寸(Exterior size):2600mm*1300mm*2000mm 工作台尺(Working plate size):2100mm*1000mm(内径inner size) 额定工作压力(Raying working pressure):负压(Negative pressure)≥-0.095Mpa 总功率(General power):15kW 实际耗电(Actual power consumption):约(about)5kW 整机重量(General power):1.7T