产品规格: | 件 | 产品数量: | 3.00 件 |
包装说明: | 原包装 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 162 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-123145629.html |
东莞天兴为您提供大量关于E6173A,等方面的信息和资料。保证所有产品比**品质优, 价格低,我司有专业的团队与专业的工厂来满足客户的需求,让客户满意是我们的宗旨。 E6173A HP75000SerieTestSystem 二手 LXI/VXI系统 HP75000 SERIES C (MODEL E6173A) 厂家: 美国安捷伦Agilent 主机 E1301BB-Size VXI Mainframe, 9-Slot 模块 E1326B5.5 Digit Multimeter, B-Size E1345A16-Channel Low-Offset Relay Multiplexer E1330BQuad 8-Bit Digital Input/Output The Agilent E1326B autoranging 5.5-Digit Multimeter is a B-size, 2-slot, register-based VXI module. It is identical in electrical design to the E1411B, differing0nly in size. The E1326B can be used in the E1302A or the E1300/01/A/B mainframes. Using the Internal Installation Kit (E1326-80004) or Option 009 when ordering the E1300/01/A/B, the E1326B can be mounted internally in the E1300/01/A/B mainframes (saving two module slots). This instrument is especially well suited for data acquisition and computer-aided test applications. This module can be used as an integrating A/D to make 5.5-digit, low-noise measurements, or switch to the sampling A/D to make 14-bit readings at rates up to 13 kHz. When combined with any Agilent VXI relay or FET multiplexer, you can create a multichannel scanning multimeter. By sending just0ne SCPI command to the E1300/01/A/B mainframe built-in command module or the E1306A command module, you can program the multimeter and the channels of your multiplexers at0ne time. The E1326B provides flexible triggering with built-in timer pacer. Product functions for the E1326B include DCV, ACV Offset-compensated Ohm, Thermocouples, Thermistors, and RTDs. Refer to the Related Links Section below for instrument driver availability and downloading instructions, as well as for recent product s, if applicable. See the Agilent Website /find/inst_drivers for driver availability and downloading. /find/inst_drivers
相关分类: 直流互感器 直流电阻分压箱 无功功率表 万用表/多用表 外附分流器 同步指示器 特殊电工仪器仪表 试验变压器 实验室直流电阻器 频率表 介质损耗测试仪 功率因数表 功率表 电阻表/阻抗表 电源 电压互感器 电压表 电桥 电能质量分析仪 电能表校验装置 电能/电度表 电流互感器 电流表/钳形电流表 电量变送器 磁通表 测量试验探头组件 标准电容
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