产品规格: | 230 | 产品数量: | 10000.00 只 |
包装说明: | 箱 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 309 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-117226693.html |
火炬"牌蓄电池是淄博火炬能源有限公司(原淄博蓄电池厂)生产的铅酸蓄电池,其设计结构合理,技术含量高,质量性能稳定。1998年,"火炬"牌商标被认定为"山东省着名商标";2000年,"火炬"牌铅酸蓄电池被评为"山东**产品"。1997年公司通过了ISO9001质量体系认证,2003年公司通过职业安全健康管理体系和环境管理体系认证,2005年取得了首批铅酸蓄电池产品生产许可证并通过了"泰尔"产品认证。 淄博火炬能源有限责任公司(原淄博蓄电池厂)成立于1944年1月,是我国较早研制和生产铅酸蓄电池的厂家之一,是国内牵引用铅酸蓄电池行业**企业,现为中国船舶重工集团公司成员单位。公司位于山东省淄博市中心城区张店区,现设有五个专业公司、三个控股子公司和一个蓄电池产品性能检测中心(全国总共2个蓄电池产品性能检测中心)。公司主要从事牵引用、固定用和起动用铅酸蓄电池产品的开发设计与生产,现具备年生产100万kVAh各类铅酸蓄电池的能力。同时,公司还从事蓄电池设备、工装模具、蓄电池用充电机、隔板、塑料槽及零件等产品的开发设计与生产。 淄博火炬能源有限责任公司(原淄博蓄电池厂)设有省级企业技术中心,积累了50余年的铅酸蓄电池及相关产品研究开发、设计和试制的经验,具有从事铅酸蓄电池及相关产品研究开发、设计和试制的技术能力,先后开发生产的13个系列、23个规格的铅酸蓄电池填补了国内空白,多次荣获国家和部级优质产品奖。特别是牵引系列铅酸蓄电池一直处于国内良好水平,其中,符合DIN标准的PzS系列和BS标准的DB系列电池,大量配套进口电动叉车并出口世界多个国家。 "火炬"牌牵引系列铅酸蓄电池,原材料选用豫光金铅1号精铅,生产设备为德国HADI压铸机、日本汤浅铸板机、意大利SOVEMA铅粉机和涂板机等**设备。牵引用铅酸电池正极板为管状,外壳采购自美国哈丁公司,隔板为PE隔板。经市场多年考验,得到了广大客户的认可。公司产品已广泛配套于国内主流叉车生产厂家(合力,杭叉,台励福,龙工,现代,开普等),并为众多进口电动叉车配套。出口方面,公司已与数十个国家的代理商建立了良好的合作关系。 企业目标:争做中国zui大zui强动力电源供应商 团队精神:忠诚 和谐 创新 高效 经营思想:高擎火炬 牵引未来 工作作风:快 精 细 实The "Torch" brand battery is a lead-acid battery produced by Zibo Torch Energy Co., Ltd. (Zibo Battery Factory). Its design structure is reasonable, its technical content is high, and its quality is stable. In 1998, the "Torch" brand was recognized as a "famous trademark of Shandong Province"; in 2000, the "Torch" brand lead-acid batteries were rated as "famous brand products of Shandong Province". In 1997, the company passed the ISO 9001 quality system certification, in 2003, the company passed the certification of occupational safety and health management system and environmental management system. In 2005, the company obtained the first batch of lead-acid battery production licenses and passed the "Taylor" product certification. Zibo Torch Energy Co., Ltd. (former Zibo Battery Factory) was established in January 1944. It is one of the earliest manufacturers in China to develop and produce lead-acid batteries. It is a leading enterprise in the traction lead-acid battery industry in China and is now a member of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group. The company is located in Zhangdian District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, and now has five professional companies, three holding subsidiaries and a battery product performance testing center (a total of two battery product performance testing centers in China). The company is mainly engaged in the development, design and production of traction, fixed and start-up lead-acid batteries. Now it has the ability to produce 1 million kVAh lead-acid batteries annually. At the same time, the company is also engaged in the development, design and production of battery equipment, tooling molds, battery chargers, partitions, plastic tanks and parts. Zibo Torch Energy Co., Ltd. (former Zibo Battery Factory) has a provincial enterprise technology center. It has accumulated more than 50 years'experience in research, development, design and trial-manufacture of lead-acid batteries and related products. It has the technical ability to engage in research, development, design and trial-manufacture of lead-acid batteries and related products. Thirteen series and 23 specifications of lead-acid batteries have been developed and manufactured successively. Domestic blank, many times won national and ministerial awards for quality products. Especially the traction series lead-acid batteries have been in the leading level in China. Among them, PzS series and DB series batteries which meet the DIN standard are imported and exported to many countries in the world. "Torch" brand traction series lead-acid batteries are made of Yuguang Golden Lead No. 1. The production equipments are German HADI die-casting machine, Japanese Tangshao slab casting machine, Italian SOVEMA lead powder machine and slab coating machine. The positive plate of lead-acid battery for traction is tubular. The shell is purchased from Harding Company, USA. The partition is PE partition. After years of market testing, has been recognized by the majority of customers. The company's products have been widely matched with the mainstream forklift manufacturers in China (Heli, Hangzhou Forklift, Tailifu, Longgong, Hyundai, Cape, etc.) and many imported electric forklift trucks. On the export side, the company has established good cooperative relations with agents from dozens of countries.