产品规格: | 1028*570*715 | 产品数量: | 1000.00 只 |
包装说明: | 箱 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 299 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-102398126.html |
为了使火炬叉车蓄电池常常处于齐备状态,延伸其利用寿命,在蓄电池利用中应分外细致以下几个方面: (1)一样寻常查抄项目 液面。低于额定的液面,将收缩蓄电池的利用寿命,并且电解液太少将导致蓄电池发热破坏,因此,必须常常细致电解液是否充足。'接线柱、导线、盖子。必须常常查抄蓄电池接线柱接合处与导线的毗连处因氧化引起的腐化环境,同时查抄盖子是否变形,是否有发热征象。 表面。蓄电池表面邋遢将引起泄电,应使蓄电池表面随时干净、干燥。 (2)养护项目 加水。定期(一样通常要求夏日每隔5 天,冬季每隔10天)查抄电解液液面高度,按划定的液面添加蒸馏水,不要为了延伸加水隔断时间而添加过多的蒸馏水,不然电解液会溢出,导致泄电。 充电。充电历程中蓄电池会产负气体,应连结充电场合透风精良,四周没有明火,同时充电历程中孕育发生的氧气、酸性气体将对四周孕育发生影响。充电时期拔下充电插头会孕育发生电弧,将充电构造闭后,方可拔下插头。充电后在蓄电池四周滞留很多氢气,不容许有任何明火,应开启蓄电池上的盖板举行充电。定期查抄放电水平,每月或两个月(或视详细环境)从车上拆下并举行一次增补充电,严酷实行换季候、换地域时电解液密度的调解。接线柱、导线、盖子的维修,必须由专业技能职员举行。细致蓄电池在叉车上安置牢固,蓄电池与车架间应有防振垫。包管导线毗连紧固,打仗精良。举行电池毗连时,应先接**,后接搭铁线;拆线时,其次序则相反。 干净。若不太脏,可以用湿布擦干净,若非常脏,就要将蓄电池从车上卸下,用水洗濯后使之**干燥。常常扫除电池上的尘土土壤,扫除较桩和毗连头上的氧化物,擦去电池盖上的电解液,连结加液孔螺塞上通气孔的流通。叉车每事情15天左右应举行如下养护。查抄每格电池内的液面,电液应凌驾较板10~15mm,如不敷应添加蒸馏水。用液体比重计丈量每单格电池内的电液密度。查抄放电水平,如冬季放电凌驾25%,夏日放电凌驾50 %,应从车上取下举行增补充电。查抄蓄电池外壳有无裂纹和电液排泄。 (3)保管 保管场合。不克不及使之短路;因雨淋导致短路大概孕育发生火警,并大概孕育发生少量氢气,因此必须将蓄电池存放在透风、阴凉的场合。 废旧的蓄电池。废旧的蓄电池仍旧存有电能,应根据利用的蓄电池存放要领举行保管。 (4)电解液的操纵 查抄相对密度。利用吸入式密度计查抄密度,作业时不要让电解液溅洒出来,并穿着掩护用具除查抄以外的操纵。应向专业职员咨询,分外是增补电解液(稀硫酸)时。 电解液走漏。由于蓄电池倾翻、破坏导致电解液走漏,应立刻举行告急处置处罚。 (5)寿命终期蓄电池的操纵 寿命终期蓄电池的操纵。蓄电池靠近寿命终期时,单格电池内的电解液消减得非常快,应每天增补蒸馏水。 废旧蓄电池的处置处罚。对付废旧蓄电池,抽出电解液,将蓄电池剖析。可思量是否由蓄电池生产厂家接纳。 (6)蓄电池技能状态的查抄 电解液液面高度的查抄电解液液面高度可用玻璃管查抄,液面应凌驾跨过较板**部(或防护片)10~15mm,若液面属正常淘汰,应加注蒸馏水,除非确实是由于电解液倾出所致,不然不得加注电解液。 专业提供火炬经销批发,提供全新原装正品的火炬电瓶组,火炬蓄电池表面清洁利用热水清洗处于蓄电池导线与正负极柱上的氧化物,然后予以适量的润滑脂涂抹,这样不仅能隔离空气,还可以杜绝氧化现象。对蓄电池表面存在的污物和灰尘进行及时清除,并定期疏通通气孔,以做到真正的干净整洁 In order to make the battery of torch forklift truck always in a ready state and extend its service life, the following aspects should be carefully considered in the utilization of the battery: (1) As usual checking items Liquid surface. Lower than the rated liquid level will shorten the service life of the battery, and too little electrolyte will lead to thermal damage of the battery. Therefore, it is necessary to always carefully consider whether the electrolyte is sufficient. 'Connection poles, wires, caps. It is necessary to check the corrosive environment caused by oxidation at the junction of the battery terminal and the adjacent part of the conductor, and check whether the cover is deformed and whether there are signs of fever. Surface. Battery surface is sloppy and will cause leakage. Battery surface should be clean and dry at any time. (2) conservation project Add water. Regular check the height of electrolyte liquid level (usually every 5 days in summer and every 10 days in winter) and add distilled water according to the defined level. Do not add too much distilled water to extend the water cut-off time, otherwise the electrolyte will overflow and lead to electricity leakage. Charge. During the charging process, the battery will produce negative gas. It should be connected to the charging occasion with excellent ventilation and no open fire around it. At the same time, oxygen and acid gas generated during the charging process will affect the surrounding incubation. When the charging plug is unplugged during the charging period, the arc will occur. After the charging structure is closed, the plug can be unplugged. After charging, a lot of hydrogen is left around the battery. No open fire is allowed. The cover plate on the battery should be opened for charging. Check the discharge level regularly, remove the electrolyte from the car every month or two months (or depending on the detailed environment) and hold an additional supplementary electricity, strictly implement the adjustment of electrolyte density when changing seasons and regions. Maintenance of connection posts, wires and covers must be carried out by professional and skilled personnel. Detailed batteries are firmly installed on forklift trucks, and there should be anti-vibration pads between the batteries and the frame. The guaranteed wires are tightly connected and well-fought. When connecting batteries, the batteries should be connected to the front line first and then to the overlapping wire; when disconnecting the wire, the next order is the opposite. Clean. If it is not too dirty, it can be wiped clean with a wet cloth. If it is very dirty, it is necessary to unload the battery from the car and wash it with water to make it naturally dry. Often, dust and soil on batteries are swept away, oxides on poles and adjacent heads are swept away, electrolytes on battery covers are wiped off, and ventilation holes on plugs with liquid holes are connected. The forklift truck should be maintained for about 15 days. Check the liquid level in each cell, the electro-hydraulic should be 10-15 mm above the electrode plate, if not enough, distilled water should be added. The electro-hydraulic density in each cell was measured with a liquid hydrometer. Check the discharge level, such as 25% discharge in winter and 50% discharge in summer, should be removed from the car for additional power. Check whether there are cracks in the battery shell and electro-hydraulic discharge. (3) custody Safekeeping occasions. It is impossible to make it short-circuit. Short-circuit caused by rain may result in fire alarm and a small amount of hydrogen. Therefore, batteries must be stored in ventilated and cool places. Waste batteries. Waste batteries still have electric energy, which should be kept according to the storage essentials of used batteries. (4) Electrolyte manipulation Check relative density. Use the inhalation densitometer to check the density. Do not let the electrolyte spill out when working, and wear a shield to operate besides checking. Professional staff should be consulted, especially when adding electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid). Electrolyte leakage. Due to the leakage of electrolyte caused by the overturning and destruction of batteries, an urgent punishment should be taken immediately. (5) Operation of end-of-life batteries Operation of end-of-life batteries. When the battery is near the end of its life, the electrolyte in the single cell battery decreases very quickly. Distilled water should be added every day. Penalties for disposal of used batteries. To deal with waste batteries, extract the electrolyte and dissect the batteries. Consider whether the battery manufacturer will accept it. (6) Checking the skill status of storage battery The height of electrolyte liquid level can be checked by glass tube. The liquid level should be 10-15 mm above the top of the plate (or protective sheet). If the liquid level is eliminated normally, distilled water should be injected. Unless it is caused by the electrolyte pouring out, electrolyte should not be injected. Professional torch distribution and wholesale, provide brand-new original and genuine torch battery pack, torch battery surface cleaning using hot water to clean the oxide on the battery conductor and positive and negative pole, and then apply appropriate amount of grease, so as to not only isolate the air, but also eliminate oxidation phenomenon. Clean up the dirt and dust on the surface of the battery in time, and dredge the ventilation holes regularly, so as to achieve real cleanliness and tidiness.