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UPS (NYSE:UPS) today announced the donation of 10,000 N95 respirator masks to hospitals across the Commonwealth of Kentucky. UPS has procured a sufficient supply to meet internal needs and is sharing its available masks to help protect healthcare providers in Louisville and in hospitals statewide. Louisville is the home to UPS Worldport, the company’s global, all-points air hub.

“For more than 30 years, Louisville has been home to Worldport and UPS Airlines, and there are more than 32,000 dedicated UPSers across the Commonwealth. We are grateful for the opportunity to help the doctors, nurses and others who are on the front lines fighting the coronavirus pandemic in Kentucky,” UPS Airlines President Brendan Canavan said.


UPS procured the masks from a variety of sources and has the appropriate PPE necessary to protect its employees, while also being able to donate hospital-grade protective equipment to healthcare providers.

The 10,000 masks were delivered Monday to Kentucky’s Emergency Management Agency in Frankfort for distribution to hospitals statewide.

“I want to thank UPS for stepping up with this donation of critically-needed N95 masks for Kentucky’s health care professionals,” Gov. Andy Beshear said. “This donation of essential personal protective equipment will directly save the lives of Kentuckians and help slow the spread of the coronavirus.”

Designated by the governments of countries around the world as a “critical infrastructure business,” UPS deliveries are saving lives and livelihoods. The company offers its heartfelt thanks to the 495,000 UPSers around the world, whose work is essential during the pandemic, and who continue to deliver safely every day.


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