


GRS认证咨询认证产品使用的化学品需满足ZDHC要求 C 部分 – 环境



Facilities involved in the production of GRS products have strong environmental protections in place.

参与 GRS 产品生产的企业应具有高度的环保意识。

The environmental requirements of the GRS apply to all operations within the Certified Organization. In all instances, the national and/or local legislation or GRS requirement that is the most stringent, shall apply.

GRS 的环境要求适用于认证组织内的所有业务。在所有情况下,适用较严格的国家和/或地方法规或 GRS 要求。

Certified Organizations shall demonstrate their compliance with the environmental requirements in Section C during an annual audit. Other audits may be accepted, see Textile Exchange Accepted Equivalent Standards.

认证组织在年度审核期间应证明其符合 C 部分的环境要求。其他审核也可接受,参见纺织品交易所接受的等效标准。

C1 – Environmental Management System

C1 - 环境管理体系

C1.1 Environmental Management System C1.1 环境管理体系

Certified Organizations shall have an environmental management system (EMS) in place. The

environmental management system shall include the following:


C1.1a EMS Manual

C1.1a EMS 手 册

C1.1b A designated EMS staff person (from the management level) responsible for its implementation; it is not required that an entire position be dedicated to managing the environmental management system at the facility, but instead that someone has been assigned the role as part of their job responsibilities.

C1.1b 由一名* EMS 工作人员(来自管理层)负责执行;不要求整个职位完全服务于环境管理系统,而是将该角色作为其工作职责的一部分。

C1.1c A mechanism to remain up-to-date with applicable local legal requirements. C1.1c 建立获取当地较新适用法律要求的机制。

C1.1d Basic management controls in place: a system to document, measure, and track the relevant

environmental indicators (Sections C2.1, C2.2, C2.3, C2.4, and C2.5).

C1.1d 基本管理控制应到位:记录、测量和跟踪相关环境指标的系统(C2.1、C2.2、C2.3、C2.4 和C2.5)。

C1.1e Annual plan to target and reach meaningful environmental improvements across all indicators (Sections C2.1, C2.2, C2.4, and C2.5).

C1.1e 建立完成环境改善所有指标的年度计划(C2.1、C2.2、C2.4 和 C2.5)。

C1.1fProcedures and records for training of relevant staff in environmental issues mentioned in Sections C2.1, C2.2, C2.3, C2.4, and C2.5.

C1.1fC2.1、C2.2、C2.3、C2.4 和 C2.5 中提到的环境问题相关人员的培训规程和记录。


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