

Customs Union/Eurasian Economic Union EAC certification

Customs Union/Eurasian Economic Union EAC certification

Confirmation of compliance with the requirements of Technical regulations of the Customs Union;


Technical Regulations of the Customs UnionAssurance of conformity to the requirements of Confirmation of conformity to the requirements of Technical Regulations of the Customs Union;
Confirmation of conformity with the requirements of Technical Regulations of the Customs Union
Certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union(TR CU certificate,TR EAEU certificate,TR CU declaration,TR EAEU declaration)must be issued if the products are subject to the safety requirements of the current technical regulations of the Customs Union.
The requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union apply equally to goods manufactured abroad as well as to the products of Russian manufacturers(or any member state of the EAEU Customs Union).
Confirmation of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union is a prerequisite for customs clearance and release of products in circulation in the Russian Federation,and since the tests and documents take certain time,when importing goods conformity assessment procedure should be done in good time to avoid problems at customs.
Where do I start with the execution of the TR CU certificate/TR CU declaration?
Confirmation of product compliance with the established requirements is a rather complicated process requiring certain knowledge of the frequently changing legislation in the field of technical regulation,which is why it is so important to have a reliable partner in the field.We take a holistic approach to service delivery,taking into account our Clients'needs,as there is often a large amount of work to be done to successfully complete a certification process.
We help you in developing the technical documentation,preparing the necessary set of documents,and having long-term partnerships with accredited bodies and laboratories,with experts on certification of various types of goods,allows us to correctly organize the process of certification and get legitimate documents,executed in accordance with the rules and requirements of legislation.
To determine terms and cost of work we ask for the following information
-The product names(models,types,etc.)
-technical specifications
-field of application
-TN VED code
It is also desirable to provide regulatory and operational documentation(TU,operating manual),technical description.


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