



摘 要:高压开关设备是变电站和配电站中保证电力系统安全运行的重要设备之一,因此,开关柜的稳定运行对于整个电力系统有非常重要的意义。设备老化、长期高负荷运行都可能使设备局部温度过高而发生火灾,因此,对变电站内的敏感设备进行温度检测变得尤为重要。


AbstractHigh-voltage switchgear is one of the important equipment to ensure the safe operation of the power system in substations.Therefore, the stable operation of the switchgear is of great significance to the entire power system. The aging of equipment and long-term high-load operation may cause the local temperature of the equipment to be too high and cause fire.Therefore, temperature detection of sensitive equipment in substations becomes particularly important.

Keywords:High-voltage switchgear;Wireless temperature measurement;Measure temperature

1 项目概况Project Overview



This project is a financial investment center project, based in Nanning, serving the Beibu Gulf, facing ASEAN, with a total construction area of more than 280,000 square meters, and is listed as a key project of the city.

This project includes 6 power distribution rooms with 10kV system, with a total of 40 high-voltage cabinets.

2 产品需求及配置 Product requirements and configuration










8)RS485通讯功能,Modbus 通讯协议


This time, for the ngxi Golden Investment Center project, it is necessary to configure microcomputer protection devices, intelligent control devices and wireless temperature measurement products to monitor the status of all high-voltage cabinets in the power distribution project in the plant except for the PT cabinet.This project uses a total of 40 microcomputer protection devices, 40 intelligent control devices, and 480 active wireless sensors.

The requirements for wireless temperature measurement are as follows:

1) A dynamic lation diagram, dynamic display of circuit breaker opening and closing position; dynamic display of grounding switch position; dynamic display of spring energy storage;

2) Two-channel temperature and humidity controller function, the communication line is 6 meters long, and the LCD display;

3) Voice anti-error prompt function, human body infrared sensor probe;

4) Heater disconnection alarm;

5) Lighting operation in the cabinet;

6) Opening and closing, energy storage, remote/local switch;

7) High voltage live display and locking device;

8) RS485 communication function, Modbus communication protocol

9) Each high-voltage cabinet needs to measure the temperature at 12 points, the sensor is powered by a battery, and the battery life should be greater than 5 years.

3 相关产品 Rated Products


4 结语Project Summary


The high-voltage switchgear is the hub of the power transmission system, which plays the role of on-off, control or protection, ensuring the safe operation of the system.The Acrel wireless temperature measurement products introduced in this article are aimed at the comprehensive measurement and control of high-voltage switch cabinets, and realize the clean and beautiful of the switch cabinet, easy to debug and maintain, and realize the integration of operation and display at the same time, monitor the temperature of electrical nodes such as copper bars, cables, and breaker contacts in the cabinet.Prevent the contact resistance from becoming too large due to oxidation, looseness, dust and other factors during operation and heat generation as a hidden danger, and improve the safety of the equipment.

5 现场安装图片Photos on site



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