产品名称: SC-313A电线绝缘皮厚度计 本试验装置为桌上型, 符合UL 2556标准要求。适用于检测电线绝缘体和被覆体的哑铃状试片厚度。 测量范围:0.01~10mm,较小分度:0.01mm。(日本三丰百分表) 荷重砝码:85±3g 试样测头:ø6.4±0.2mm 下 测 帖:2×9mm 大理石台座:150×200mmm 试验方法 1、松开大理石台座固定旋钮,调整上下高度使百分表的指针指到零位。 2、取哑铃状被测样品,按下百分表的提升杆,将样品放在6.4mm测头 下,放下提升杆,直接读取百分表的数值。即被测样品的绝缘厚度。 UL 2556标准参考 4.2 Physical properties (ultimate elongation and tensile strength) e) a dial micrometer having a 6.3 to 6.4 mm (0.248 to 0.252 in) diameter flat presser foot exerting a total force of 0.83±0.03 N (3.0±0.1 ozf) on a rectangular anvil measuring approximately 9 x 2 mm (0.35 x 0.08 in). The face of the anvil on the minor dimension shall be slightly convex. Alternatively, these measurements shall be made with a dead-weight dial micrometer having a presser foot 6.4±0.2 mm(0.248±0.010 in) in diameter and exerting a total of 85±3 gf or 0.83±0.03 N (3.0±0.1 ozf) on the specimen – the load being applied by means of a weight. The presser foot shall be at least 2 mm (0.08 in) onto the edge of the specimen for each measurement. Micrometers shall have a resolution and accuracy of 0.01 mm (0.001 in);