我们先来看看较*IMDG CODE 关于危险品标牌尺寸的规定:
Placards shall be affixed to the exterior surface of cargo transport units to provide a warning that thecontents of the unit are dangerous goods and present risks. Placards shallcorrespond to the primary risk of the goods contained in the cargo transportunit except that:
placards are notrequired on cargo transport units carrying any quantity of explosives ofdivision 1.4, compatibility group S; and
placards indicatingthe highest risk only need be affixed on cargo transport units carryingsubstances and articles of more than one division in class 1.
Placards shall bedisplayed on a background of contrasting colour, or shall have either a dottedor solid outer boundary line.For dangerous goods of class 9 the placard shall correspond to the labelmodel No. 9 as in ; label model No. 9A shall not be used forplacarding purposes.