保税检测维修 Bonded inspection and maintenance 保税检测维修是指出口到境外的货物因各种原因需要返厂维修(更换元器件、包装重新喷码)等,这类货物改变传统的返厂维修,而在保税工厂或者是保税仓库办理相关的产品检验、测试、维修以及维护业务。我司配备有不同规格的无尘车间以迎合不同客户的需求,为企业解决因货物退运而产生的需向海关缴纳相关保证金的压力以及额外增加的用工成本与物流成本。 Bonded inspection and maintenance is to point out that the goods exported to overseas need to return to the factory for maintenance due to various reasons (replacement of components, re-printing code of packaging), etc. Such goods change the traditional return to the factory for maintenance, and conduct related product inspection, test, repair and maintenance business in the bonded factory or bonded warehouse. Our company is equipped with dust-free workshops of different specifications to meet the needs of different customers, so as to solve the pressure of paying the relevant security deposit to the customs and the additional labor and logistics costs caused by the return of goods