保税仓储 Bonded warehouse 巨荣捷国际可为客户提供保税仓储业务,保税仓库为普通干货类仓库,为客户提供*物流服务,服务项目包括:仓储、报关、报检、货运代理、装卸搬运、配送服务、信息处理等服务。可仓储货物有:食品、化妆品、纺织品等。 Jurongjie international can provide bonded warehousing services for customers, bonded warehouses are ordinary dry goods warehouses, providing customers with a full range of logistics services, including: warehousing, customs declaration, inspection, freight forwarding, handling, distribution services, information processing and other services. Warehouse goods are: food, cosmetics, textiles and so on.