

蒸发冷 蒸发式冷凝器 生产安装湖北河南

蒸发冷 蒸发式冷凝器 生产安装湖北河南 高温高压制冷剂气态在冷凝盘管流动,盘管外侧被喷淋水包裹,气态制冷剂的热量通过盘管壁向外传递,与水和空气形成饱和温热蒸气,热量由风机排入大气,气态制冷剂由上口进入盘管,逐渐被冷凝为液态。热气中的水滴被高效收水器截住,与其余吸收了热量的水,散落到PVC散热片中降低水温,与新风形成**同向流动。 High temperature and high pressure refrigerants flow in the gaseous state, and the outside of the coil is coated with water. The heat of the gaseous refrigerant is transmitted through the wall of the coil, forming saturated thermal vapor with water and air, and the heat is discharged from the fan into the atmosphere. The gaseous refrigerant enters the coil tube from the upper mouth. Gradually condensed into a liquid state. The water droplets in the hot air are intercepted by high efficiency water receivers, and the rest of the heat absorbed water is scattered into the PVC heat sink to reduce the water temperature and flow in the same direction as the new wind. ● 开式蒸发冷(顺流型蒸发式冷凝器)冷凝盘管采Φ25圆管,整体热镀锌处理,耐腐蚀性强,设备的使用寿命长。 ● The open evaporative cooling(downstream evaporative condenser) condenser tube adopts a tube, the overall hot galvanizing treatment, strong corrosion resistance, and long service life of the equipment.


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