







EN 13501-1 欧标建材防火测试

Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using test data from reaction to fire

NF P 92-507 法标建材防火测试

Fire safety-building-Interior fitting materials-classification according to their reaction to fire

GB 8624 建材防火等级jsgfjc8788199

Classification for burning behavior of building materials and products

BS 476 英标建材防火测试

Fire tests on building materials and structures.

DIN 4102 德标建材防火测试

Reaction to fire tests - Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame

ASTM E 84 建材表面燃烧

Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials

GB/T 2408 塑料燃烧性能

Plastics-Determination of the burning behaviour of horizontal and vertical specimens in contact with a small-flame ignition source

ISO 5658-2 火焰蔓延

Reaction to fire tests —Spread of flame —Part 2: Lateral spread on building andtransport products in vertical configuration

NFPA 259 建材潜热测试

Standard Test Method for Potential Heat of Building Materials

ISO 9705 全尺寸房间火试验

Fire testing – full Scale Room test for surface produts

ASTM E162 火焰蔓延

Standard Test Method for Surface Flammability of Materials Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source

NES 711 燃烧烟指数

Determination of the smoke index of the products of combustion from small specimens of materials

AS/NZS 3837 燃烧热值和产烟测试

Method of test for heat and smoke release rates for materials and products using an oxygen consumption calorimeter

AS/NZS 1530 澳标建材防火要求

Methods for fire tests on building materials components and structures

ISO 5659-2 燃烧烟密度

Plastics- Smoke generation Part 2: Determination of optical density by a single-chamber test

ASTM D3675 泡沫材料表面燃烧

Standard Test Method for Surface Flammability of Flexible Cellular Materials Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source

ASTM E 648 铺地材料-辐射热源法

Standard Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor-Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source

ISO 5660-1 热释放速率

Reaction-to-fire tests - Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate - Part 1: Heat release rate (cone calorimeter method)

ASTM E136 不燃性测定

Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750°C


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