

企业文化 corporate culture

企业文化 corporate culture 企业愿景:打造伊藤发电机成员企业

Enterprise vision: building Ito generator benchmarking enterprise

企业使命:智造国际产品 推进社会文明进步

Enterprise mission: creating international products and promoting 

social civilization and progress

企业价值观:讲究诚信 崇尚业绩 奉献社会

Corporate values: integrity, advocating performance and contributing to society

企业哲学:学习 创新 追赶

Enterprise philosophy: learning innovation and Surpassing

企业精神:精益求精 尽善尽美

Enterprise spirit: strive for perfection and perfection

质量文化:人品决定产品 质量体现尊严
Quality culture: character determines product quality and dignity.

创新文化:宽容失败 鼓励创新
Innovation culture: tolerance failure to encourage innovation

人才文化:人适其位 人尽其才
Talent culture: people are best suited to their positions.

Safety culture: safety accidents can be avoided.

Service culture: customers are always right.

成本文化:一丝一缕 当思来之不易
Cost culture: a thread of thought is hard to come by.

和谐文化:相亲 相伴 相成长
Harmonious Culture: growing together with each other

Honest culture: we grow up in the sun.


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