

苏州电磁屏蔽室 诺威特用事实诠释专业

苏州电磁屏蔽室 诺威特用事实诠释专业
苏州电磁屏蔽室 诺威特用事实诠释专业

电磁屏蔽室 新能源汽车测试领域	

诺威特专注于电磁兼容可靠性测试领域,坚持稳健经营、持续创新、开放合作,在民品、汽车电子、 **等领域已构筑了端到端的解决方案优势,为企业客户、高校、第三方实验室提供完善、高端、体系 化的EMC、电磁屏蔽室检测实验室解决方案、产品和服务,并致力于让未来信息社会产品更可靠、安全,构建更美好 的智能世界。

电磁屏蔽室用于隔离室内和室外的电磁环境,保证室内电子、电气设备正常工作。特别是在电子元件、电器设备的计 量、测试工作中,利用电磁屏蔽室(或暗室)模拟理想电磁环境,提高检测结果的准确度。电磁屏蔽室主要用于传导发射 测试(CE)、断续干扰、骚扰功率、三环辐射、CDN辐射、传导抗扰度测试等测试项目。

The shielded room is mainly used for conduction emission (CE), discontinuous interference, disturbance power, magnetic field iduced current, CDN method for radiation emission, conducted immunity(CS) ,and so on.

主要设计依据  Main Reference Standards

Measurement of shielding effectiveness of high-performance shielding enclosures

Anechoic Chambers - Part 1: Shield Attenuation Measurement

Load code for the design of building structures

GB50017《钢结构设计规范》 Code for design of steel structures

code for design fire protection of building

Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment Emission requirements

主要参数(屏蔽效能)   Main Parameters (shielding)
在10kHz~18GHz频率范围内,依据标准 GB/T 12190-2006 (EN501471)进行测试,屏蔽室的屏蔽效能达到下列指标: 10kHz~18GHz frequency range, according to standard GB/t 12190-2006 (EN50147-1) to test the shielding effectiveness of shielded rooms meet the following targets

In the field of new energy vehicle testing we can provide the test system of the charge plug, the electrical test system, the environment test system, the sunlight simulation system, the Power battery test system, the illumination system and so on.

新能源光伏测试领域	New Energy Photovoltaic Test
在新能源光伏测试领域我们可以提供封装材料测试系统,电站测试系统,电池片测 试系统,组件测试系统,逆变器测试系统,电磁屏蔽室、光伏电站等测试系统
In the field of new energy photovoltaic testing we can provide packaging materials testing system, power station test system, battery test system, component testing system, inverter testing system, photovoltaic power station and so on.

光热测试领域	Photothermal Test
在光热测试领域我们可以提供定日镜准确度测试系统、槽式聚光器面形检测系统、 集热筐热损失测试系统、集热管光学效率测试系统等电磁屏蔽室
In the field of photothermal testing we can provide the accuracy test system of the mirror, the Groove Concentrator Surface inspection system, the heat loss test system of the heat collecting basket, the optical efficiency test system of the collector tube, etc.

工业测试领域  Industrial Test

In the field of industrial testing we can provide communications testing, materials testing, photoelectric testing, laser vibration testing, environmental reliability testing, EMC testing, new energy testing and other testing projects and so on


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