图案由牡丹花和寿字的变体组合而成。牡丹是中国的国花,象征富有、高贵,是中国地毯中常见的花形纹样。**字象征着人的寿诞绵延长久,团寿字象征着圆满、和睦。整幅图案优雅、精致,饱含中国传统的文化韵味。 Wan SHOU Chang Chun This design describes the peony and the Chinese character “SHOU”. The peony symbolizes nobleness and the Chinese character “SHOU” is LONGEVITY in English phrase. The long type of SHOU in the border means the long life of people, and the round type in the field represents the union and the harmony of the family. The whole design is full of Chinese cultural characteristic.