

强凯实业 丹阳 有限公司

强凯实业 丹阳 有限公司
上海强凯机械刀具有限公司    上海强凯机械刀具有限公司位于千年古镇嘉定区南翔镇,交通便利 高铁地铁均到。
Shanghai Qiangkai MachineryCuttingToolsCo.,Ltd.is located in the thousand-year aged Nanxiang Town in Jiading, which is specialized in manufacturing precise ultra hard cuttingtoolsandjewellingtools. Since establishment, it has kept using imported 
materials, advancedproductionprocess,professional technicians, skillful workers, advancedmanagement system and data management system.With autocoding system of cutting tools and customer data iles, the company also possesses the whole set of world-top cutter manufacturing inspection equipment and 
it is able to develop new products independently.
公司主要设计、制作、销售聚晶金刚石(PCD) 聚晶立方氮化硼(PCBN) **钻石(DN)等机床加工切削刀具。产品广泛用于汽车发动机零部件、摩托车发动机零部件,变速箱体、控制阀阀体、汽缸体、活塞、曲轴、铝合金轮毂、汽油泵、电机、大型冷冻机及航天航空等行业的高精密加工。为了满足国内外客户的特殊要求,公司有专业的设计师为客户设计制作各种异型刀具。
Our company is specialized inthedesign,production and sale of machine cutting tools,suchasPCD,PCBN, and DN cutting tools. The products are widelyused in automobile engine assembles, motorcycle engine assembles, and highly-precise processinofgearbox, control valve, cylindercasting,piston,crankshaft, 
aluminum alloy hub, gasoline pump,electricengine, large freezer nd aerospace, etc.In order to meet the special requirements of the customers at home and abroad, there are professional designers in the company to design and make cutting tools of diferent types.


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