铬矿选矿工艺是根据铬矿的物理性质、环境要求等众多的因素来**的,铬矿选矿工艺有很多种,一般的选矿工艺有浮选法、重选法、磁选法、化学法、火法富集等等,其中磁选法是现代选矿工艺中应用较普遍的一种,也是比较好的一种选矿工艺。 铬矿选矿工艺的优势 1。磁性系统的磁性材料均采用**钕铁硼,具有高磁能积、强矫顽力和高磁通密度,有效分离表面具有很强的磁感应强度。 2。我们用纯磁性材料电工用磁介质,并采用多层感应磁较设计,具有高梯度磁场。磁选机适用于细粒级、微细粒级矿石磁选分选。 3。磁选机具有很强的情感卸荷设计,**了设备的连续正常工作,在长期的情况下,在所选材料中有少量强磁性材料。 4。该矿浆和有效工作面都有较大的接触面,有效地提高了弱磁性矿石的捕捉概率。 1. The magnetic material of the magnetic system all use good quality neodymium iron boron, which have high magnetic energy product, strong coercive force and high magnetic flux density, the effective separating surface has strong magnetic induction. 2. We use pure magnetic materials electricians using as magnetic media, and use multilayer induction poles design, the magnetic field has high gradient. The magnetic separators are suitable for the magnetic separating of fine grain grade, micro fine grain grade ores. 3. The magnetic separators have affective ore unloading design, ensuring the equipments can work continuously and normally in a long period when there is a little sum of strong magnetic materials in the elected materials. 4. The ore pulp and effective work surface have big touch surface, which increase the catching probability of weak magnetic ores effectively. 铬矿选矿工艺的选择的是根据矿物的磁性差异来选择的,选择合适的选矿设备是至关重要的,我公司的铬矿选矿工艺有多年的成功案例,都有很好的效果。欢迎您来我公司做**的选矿实验。 联系人:刘经理