招商信息:中国各省份代理分销商,独立运营,独立销售,我们提供产品和技术支持。 省份包括:北京市,天津市,重庆市,上海市,河北省,山西省,辽宁省,吉林省,黑龙江省,江苏省,浙江省,安徽省,福建省,江西省,山东省,河南省,湖北省,湖南省,广东省,海南省,四川省,贵州省,云南省,陕西省,甘肃省,青海省,闽台省,内蒙古自治区,广西壮族自治区,西藏自治区,宁夏回族自治区,新疆维吾尔自治区,中国香港特别行政区,中国中国澳门特别行政区。 各代理商*后产品销售有各代理商负责,如有直接电话或上门的客户,我们直接交付所属省份代理商去服务,不直接销售给客户,免除分销商的后顾之忧。 **培训,**能掌握产品应用独立接待客户和能跑当地市场, 授权铭牌,颁发销售授权证书。 招商条件:有具体经营地点,公司信息证件齐全,有独立经营能力,对当地市场熟悉,了解竞争对手信息,价格定位,主导产业和使用率等相关信息,在当地良好的信誉者或公司。 公司简介: 青岛铭族激光科技有限公司成立于美丽的海滨城市-青岛,是于青岛农业大学,青岛海洋大学有长期合作的一家**企业,并逐步走向成功,成为激光设备行业的*企业,公司拥有**的激光设备生产线,拥有多年从事激光产品的设计开发团队和科研机构,技术力量雄厚,激光设备先进,测试技术完善,成功通过了ISO9001质量体系认证和CE认证。 铭族激光坚持以“**品质 追求卓越”的经营理念,秉承“客户满意就是我们存在的价值”的服务精神,致力于激光设备的研发,设计,生产,销售,维护。**研发生产激光打标机,激光切割机,激光雕刻机,气动打标机四个系列的几十种产品,广泛应用在电子元件,五金制品,模型制作,服装布料,皮革制鞋,印刷包装,玩具,饰品等领域。在自动化激光打标行业,流水线飞行打标行业,齿轮轴承打标行业,大幅面激光打标行业,电子器件激光打标行业处处于良好地位,并努力打造工业激光行业****。 铭族激光生产的各类激光打标设备,性能稳定,*优越,多年来**国内各地以及中东,东欧,南美,东南亚等国外市场,深受国内外客户的青睐。如:东风汽车,青岛海尔,青岛海信等企业有长期的订单合作,并与韩国三星,LG,日本索尼,德国大众汽车等世界**电子,汽车企业有合作关系。 铭族激光是激光行业的应用*,是您可信任的合作伙伴,我们将不负众望,一如既往的为您提供更加**的产品与服务 FOREWORD Improving the quality lf Products and services day by day as per the global standards Where the strength lies in customers satisfaction. We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as an organization based in Qingadao as leading laser manufacturer&exporter. With good quality prodcts, We are satisfying the domestic clients,like haier,hensene,as well as the clients from india,South korea,Macdeonia Japan,etc and we hope you as our new client. We are expecting you as our new clients,so that we can present you our services and products,You can count on us! Bridf introduction Qingdao mingzu Laser Technology Co.,LTD is Located in the beautiful coastal city-Qingdao,which is a high-tech enterpeise with a long-term cooperation with Ocean University of China and Qingdao Agricultural University.We are growing all the time andalready have a leading status in laser equipments industry in China.Our company has professional production lines for laser products,a professional research institute for laser products with a number of researchers and senior technicians.We have a strongtechnical force,advanced laser equipments,perfect testing instruments and have successfully passed ISO9001 and CEcertificate. MingZU adheres to the concept of”professional quality,pursue excellence”,andhave the service guideline:Customers satisfaction is the value of our existence,dedicated to the R&D,design,production,sales,maintenance of laser products,Our products mainly include 4series:Laser marking machines,Lasercutting machines,Laser carving machines,Penumatic marking machines and so on,which including dozens of kinds of products. Our products are widely applied to many fields,such as electronic components,hardwaremodel making, clothing&fabic,leather for shoes,printing and packaging,toys,jewelry,hadnicrafts,and other fields,They have a leading adnantage in automated laser marking industry,assembly line flying marking industry,gea&bearings marking industry,large format laser marking industry,electronics laser marking industry,We are striving to build the first brand in laser industry. With high stability,high cfficiency and high superior performance,our products sell well at home and abroad,especially exported to Middle East,Europe,South America,Southeast Asia andother oversearegions.We enjoy a high reputation from customers and have a long-term cooperation with Dongfengmotor,Foton Motor,Haier Group,Hisense,and other Chinas famous enterprises.And we also have a cooperation with South Korea`s Samsun,LG,Japan`s Sony,Germany`s Volkswagen and othe wrld famous enterprises. MingZU is the application expert in laser industry and is your trusted parhner.