


Central air conditioning is used for a period of time in the air conditioning, there will bea scale problem in different degree, affect the normal use of air conditioning, then thisis what reason, Ji'nan central air conditioner for you to explain:
The circulating cooling water system of central air conditioner, bicarbonateconcentration dissolved increased with evaporation and concentration, when the concentration of saturated or in the water temperature rises, it will destroy the waterdissolved salt balance, which occurred in chemical reaction causes the scale generation.
In addition, organic matter, circulating water natural sediment, microbial communityand other suspended solids, and the central air conditioning circulating along the temperature, salinity, pH value, dissolved oxygen and other more suitable for microbial breeding. This kind of material is formed on the surface of slowly deposited dirt accumulation of equipment and piping
Secondly, because the Fe2O3 its continuity and compactness of metal protective effects and viscous strong, difficult to eliminate, the formation of dirt.
The above three causes of air conditioning is easy to produce scale, after we understand the reason furring generated, you can take symptomatic measures.

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