

Electric winch operator

Electric winch operator

1 . Trained operating personnel after certification , shall be allowed to operate .

2 . By car , you should check each device is intact and reliable.

3 . Before power control shall be placed in the zero position when power switch operator must not stand in the opposite , to prevent the fuse exploded wounding , turn should slow start , are not allowed to suddenly start .

4 . To achieve " a ground , two seized, three not open ." ( A ground that is: to hoist each lubrication should wash oiling ; two inspection is: Check the gear mesh correctly. Checks in front of the first hoist wire rope guide pulley whether the vertical centerline of the roll . Three is not open ** unknown does not open, before the first guide pulley hoist and fast rope someone nearby is not open, current overload does not open ) .

5 . Operation, the lifting cables are not allowed to have a deduction or cruising phenomena , are not allowed in the hoist is in working condition oiling or repair work.

6 . Work, we should always stop and check the transmission parts and friction parts lubrication , bearing temperature not exceeding 60 °, non- manned .

7 . Use wire winch reel fly with a good solid card , wire flies turns on the reel , in addition to a fixed number of turns of the outer plate , leaving at least another 2 to 3 laps.

8 . Work, within the scope of the fuselage 2m allowed to stand .

9 . Lifting weights , you should slowly lifted , check the network and objects buckle is firmly tied , fell glove 2 ~ 3m from the ground , you should stop and check Accessible , whether good cushion pad , confirming that no abnormalities only after steady decline .

10 . Hand winch rope force , the hand must not loosen , to prevent reverse wounding .

11 . After work , electric windlass brake must pull off the handle , wooden gates should be locked . Hand crank winch must be removed in the outdoor work , there must be sun, rain facilities.


YuantaiCraneMachinery专注于philippines crane,Electric Hoist,Overhead Crane,Gantry Crane等

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