一公尺(米)的定義: 在真空狀態下,1/299,792,458秒光速所行經的距離。 Definition of the meter «The meter is defined as the distance travelled by light in vacuum during a time of 1/299 792 458 of a second.» 量測溫度的規範: 依據ISO R1.的規範,所有的量測儀器及工件,在溫度20℃時,不論任何材質其量測結果之數值均為有效值。(不考慮器差值的情況下) Reference temperature For measuring instruments and workpieces, this temperature is fixed at 20 °C by ISO R1. The temperature of 20 °C is understood to be valid for any size, material measure, measurement result etc., unless otherwise specified. 檢測的定義(Inspecting): 依據設計圖面上之要求(例如:長度或是形狀的要求),來測試工件是否符合實際使用上的需求標準。 Inspecting Determining whether a test object complies with the specified requirements (e.g. as regards dimensions and form). 量測的定義(Measuring): 被測物與量測標準值,經由比對量測過程之後所得到的一個數值(例如:長度或是材質的量測)。 Measuring Obtaining a value (e.g. of a length) measured by comparison against a measurement standard (e.g. material measure). 校正的定義(Calibrating): 經由實際的量測過程來確立所使用量測儀器的實際誤差值,校正結果之數值通常以證明書格式表列出來,並可作為爾後量測結果數值調整參考依據。 Calibrating Establishing the actual deviation from the desired value of a measuring instrument. This is usually done through measurement operations. The result of a calibration is documented in the form of a calibration certificate and can be used later on for adjustment purposes, for instance.